Why I'm no longer doing the commander quest (I'm still making content)

By Commander Quest

Monday, July 13, 2020

(Download this episode)

I will still be making content under the same account.

Join as I discuss why I am no longer trying to build decks with all the cards in mtg and other changes to this content, analyze cards that trigger when you cast a type of spell, and talk about the magic news.

intro: 0:00 

changes to the podcast: 0:11 

analysis: 6:50 

magic news: 19:16

Find my personal archidekt https://archidekt.com/user/9965

Find my commander quest archidekt https://archidekt.com/user/33335

My Website https://griffindhondt.wixsite.com/cmnderscontingincies

My discord server https://discord.gg/wuM6dk5

Email me GriffinDhondt@gmail.com

Hypergeometric distribution calculator https://stattrek.com/online-calculator/hypergeometric.aspx

send me a voice message: https://anchor.fm/griffin-dhondt/message

play suspension article https://wpn.wizards.com/en/article/store-play-suspension-temporarily-reinstated-us-latam