Cashing GP Minneapolis with Rainbow Niv-Mizzet

By Faithless Brewing

Friday, August 16, 2019

(Download this episode)

Faithless Brewing, Episode 16: Niv-Mizzet Deep Dive


It's a Hogaak summer, it is what it is, but Niv's a 5-star dragon and we know he's got it lit. Dan and Damon spread their wings over Minneapolis last weekend with a new build of Rainbow Niv-Mizzet. The deck is sweet, but can you really cash a Grand Prix with a Faithless Brew? Yes, yes you can! Damon notched a 9-4-2 finish in the main event, and the deck is poised to get even better in the post-Hogaak metagame.

This week the crew breaks down everything Niv-Mizzet: our testing process, manabase considerations, sideboarding and matchup analysis, and recommendations for the build going forward. You won't want to miss this one!


Niv-Mizzet GP Deck Tech (Damon)


Friday MCQ Decklist (Damon + Dan)


Saturday GP Decklist (Damon + Dan)


Sunday MCQ Decklist (Dan)


Hogaak without Leylines (Andrew Wolbers, Sunday MCQ Winner)


Unexpected Tron deck tech (Nathan Graves, Saturday round 6 feature match)


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