Tomorrow Never Dies: Watcher for Tomorrow and How to Kill It

By Faithless Brewing

Friday, August 02, 2019

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Faithless Brewing, Episode 14: Watcher for Tomorrow


Look at your top 4 cards and choose the best one. Then, do it again. And again. As many times are you can blink! Watcher for Tomorrow offers selection and value reminiscent of Narset or even Dig Through Time, all stapled onto an efficient creature. The only catch? You have to make him die. The crew thinks they are up to the task, with a few different possible shells. Which ones will have what it takes?


Spice Roundup


Snowy Niv-Mizzet: 5-1-1, SCG IQ Newington. Promising results with this snow manabase featuring Arcum's Astrolabe, Pillar of the Paruns, Search for Tomorrow and Wrenn and Six.


Brewers' Mailbag


What is the most competitive Faithless Brewing deck? This question is like an onion: many layered and with lots of tears. The crew peels it back as we ponder deck options for GP Minneapolis.


Flashback: Yawgmoth, Thran Physician


The Yawgfather has many talents, from card draw, to board control, to infinite combos with undying creatures. But how much should we lean on this card? Is the undying combo viable as a primary plan, or should that be a secondary angle in a creature based aggro deck?


Monoblack Zombies: 2-3 league, was using its recursive creatures too fairly


4c Undying Evolution: 6-4 leagues, Neoform + undying allows for a strong aggro plan, but the list can definitely be streamlined


Reference lists:


Jund Superfriends (lucky_dragon, 5-0 league): an intriguing take on Yawgmoth + tokens for value


Brew Session: Watcher for Tomorrow


Jeskai Saheeli


Bant Blink (Sketch)


UW Hatebear Blink (Sketch)


Reference lists:


Bant Blink (TscheggschDePoegg, 5-0 league)


Bant Blink (Gabriel Nassif, Fandom Legends)


Eternal Command (Shota Yasooka, Players' Championship 2012)


Contact Us


Twitter: @FaithlessMTG



