E093 -- Lessons from cEDH -- Anatomy of a cEDH Deck

By Gemstone Mine

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

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It's time for the big question, one that a lot of curious players find themselves asking: what makes a deck into a cEDH deck? Is it the dual lands? Is it Mana Crypt? Is it Force of Will? Demonic Tutor? Thassa's Oracle? The truth is a lot more complicated, as cEDH decks are brutally-efficient and highly-consistent Commander decks built to win and to push the rules of the format as far as they will go.
- Shoutout to the team at cedh.guide for their awesome work helping new players discover the metagame: https://www.cedh.guide/
- Shoutout to the cEDH Decklist Database for tirelessly cataloging some of the most prominent decks in the metagame: https://cedh-decklist-database.com/
- Shoutout to the team at cEDHU, a discord server where you can get one-on-one help learning about cEDH: https://t.co/oMXsBxGi2I
- Our theme song is "Lonely Satellite" by Bio Unit licensed via Creative Commons
- Find us on Twitter at @gemstoneminemtg
- Reach us via email at gemstoneminepodcast@gmail.com
- This episode is on YouTube: https://youtu.be/6kjyNZsgtfY