#646 - One Handed

By Monday Night Magic

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

(Download this episode)

With Squee on the other side of the world, it's up to Cluze and Chewie to give you all the news! We've got information about the Mythic Invitational and its main sponsor. There was an announcement of a new Magic-branded mobile game that's a card game without being the Magic we know and love. Plus it has a sweet art style. And you can TOTALLY play one-handed. Ahem.

The London Mulligan will be tested on MTGO before London actually happens, so that's good. Magic Arena is getting a lot of cosmetic stuff soon, but it's definitely not getting a mobile port. Also, Global Series is done (which we knew already). And there are tournaments of course.
Join us live Monday nights at http://twitch.tv/themanapool

Your Hosts:
Chewie - @TheManaPool
Squee - @SqueeGoblnNabob
Cluze - @lacluyze

Invitational Information - https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/competitive-gaming/mythic-invitational-and-pax-east-survival-guide-2019-03-25
Omen by HP sponsoring the Invitational - https://www.twingalaxies.com/feed_details.php/4679/omen-by-hp/24
Valor's Reach - https://toucharcade.com/2019/03/22/valors-reach-announced/
London Mulligan tested on MTGO - https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/magic-online/magic-online-announcements-march-2019-03-19
Arena: State of the Beta - https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/magic-digital/mtg-arena-state-beta-march-2019-03-20
Arena has no plans of expanding to other platforms - https://www.twingalaxies.com/feed_details.php/4724/magic-the-gatherings-2019-pro-tour-is-a-war-on-two-fronts/9
Reiterating that Global Series is done - http://markrosewater.tumblr.com/post/183676161853/will-we-get-more-products-similar-to-the-global#notes
War of the Spark prequel short stories penned by Django Wexler - https://twitter.com/DjangoWexler/status/1107397391236268033
GP Kyoto coverage - http://coverage.channelfireball.com/event/8
SCG Cincinnati coverage - https://www.starcitygames.com/events/230319_cincinnati.html

MNM RSS Feed - https://www.mtgcast.com/podcasts/monday-night-magic/feed
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