#664 - Tights! (also eSports)

By Monday Night Magic

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

(Download this episode)

The biggest MTG news in a very long time, something people have been waiting on for years, is here at last. Yes, we get MTG-themed tights! FINALLY!

Oh, and there was a big eSports announcement too. Next year Organized Play is getting a MAJOR overhaul. There's finally a well-defined path to the MPL, and there are reasons to keep playing even if you're not in the MPL! We'll go over the entire skeleton, explaining the new MPL, the Rivals League, the Players Tour, and all that good stuff.

Also the summer of Hogaak continues in Modern!

Join us live Monday nights at http://twitch.tv/themanapool

Your Hosts:
Chewie - @TheManaPool
Squee - @SqueeGoblnNabob
Cluze - @lacluyze

TIGHTS! - https://www.wildbangarang.com/pages/magic-the-gathering-lookbook-release-friday-23rd-august-0930-uk
Future of Magic eSports - https://www.magic.gg/news/the-future-of-magic-esports
No streaming contracts for MPL players next season - https://twitter.com/MagicEsports/status/1161670418039623680
MTG Companion App available now - https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/magic-gathering-companion-open-beta-starts-today-2019-08-19
Arena Coming to Epic Games Store and Mac - https://twitter.com/MTG_Arena/status/1163529680059637760
GP Birmingham coverage - http://coverage.channelfireball.com/event/29
SCG Richmond coverage - http://www.starcitygames.com/events/170819_richmond.html

MNM RSS Feed - https://www.mtgcast.com/podcasts/monday-night-magic/feed
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Brought to you by Mana Pool Productions