#670 - Will a Land Be Banned in Stand...ard?

By Monday Night Magic

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

(Download this episode)

Chewie and Cluze are here to discuss all the MTG news of the last week. Squee isn't here, he's busy escaping from Texas. The Banned & Restricted List update has been moved up almost a month, which has led to some questions. Perhaps the meta for a tournament that hasn't happened yet has the answer, with Golos decks eating up over 42% of all decks. We'll see if Field of the Dead survives past next week. Other than that we've got some cryptic announcements of mysterious stuff before jumping into the tournament results from the weekend.

And yes, Questing Beast is legendary! Why is this even a thing?

Join us live Monday nights at http://twitch.tv/themanapool

Your Hosts:
Chewie - @TheManaPool
Squee - @SqueeGoblnNabob
Cluze - @lacluyze

Next B&R update coming EVEN sooner - https://twitter.com/MagicEsports/status/1182022924863246336?s=19
Meta for Mythic Championship 5 - https://magic.wizards.com/en/events/coverage/2019MC5/mythic-championship-v-metagame-breakdown-2019-10-14
Release dates for upcoming sets - https://twitter.com/Wizards_MagicEU/status/1182687309294198784?s=20
Mystery Booster - https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/announcing-mystery-booster-2019-10-10
Mystery Event - https://www.cfbevents.com/mystery
UnSanctioned announcement - https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/announcing-unsanctioned-2019-10-10
GP Bangkok coverage - https://coverage.channelfireball.com/event/36
GP Utrecht coverage - https://coverage.channelfireball.com/event/35
SCG Indianapolis coverage - https://www.starcitygames.com/events/121019_indianapolis.html

MNM RSS Feed - https://www.mtgcast.com/podcasts/monday-night-magic/feed
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