White in MTG is ALREADY GOOD, Actually: How to Generate Card Advantage in White (feat. MonoWhiteBorder and CoachJRo)

By MTG In Quarantine

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

(Download this episode)

You read that right! White in MTG, especially mono-white, is widely considered the worst color combination in EDH because it lacks many of the same value engines that other colors/combinations have access to.  Along with guest collaborators Peter (MonoWhiteBorder) and J Ro (CoachJRo/Unsummoned Skull), we tackle this misconception and outline several ways to generate card advantage in mono-White.  White may require more set-up than other colors to gain value, but that does not mean it's weak or incapable of generating value.  In other words, White is ACTUALLY GOOD if you want it to be good and can be quite fun to play.

You can find me on Twitter at @MTGInQuarantine.  My podcast is available on Spotify, Google Casts, and Apple Podcasts.